Caving is defined as the sport of exploring caves. But caving is so much more than mere sport. Caving enables you to go where no one has been before, to explore the last unknown worlds to humankind. Caving, particularly exploration caving, requires you to become a climber, mountaineer, hiker, rope expert, surveyor, prospector, explorer, contortionist, rock expert, geologist, hydrologist, and most importantly, team player. Caving challenges you and makes you realize how small you are and how little you can achieve on your own. Caving teaches you the 3Ps: Persistence, Perseverance, and Patience, and to respect and value your team. Most importantly, caving lets you learn about the Earth’s history and the valuable resources caves can provide, such as potable water. Keep on reading to learn what drives us to go where several don’t dare to go.
Surrounded by walls and darkness, you listen to the silence. You hear a drop of water falling in the distance and making an echo that would put the breaking waves to shame. You turn your light off to save the power and wait. Suddenly, you detect a shimmering of light in the distance. Is it a light, or is it your imagination? Then you start hearing voices in the distance? Is that all in your head? But the voices grow louder, and the glistening of the light tells you that your team is returning and your rest time is over. It’s time to take your pack and continue your journey.
When asked why caving, most cavers emphasize that it takes you where no one has been before, enables you to explore the ultimate frontier in the world, and discover what no one has seen before. Although these are fair reasons, there is so much more to caving.
Caving, particularly exploration caving, requires you to become a climber, mountaineer, hiker, rope expert, surveyor, prospector, explorer, contortionist, rock expert, geologist, hydrologist, and most importantly, team player.